The actual reason I'm in China right now is to teach English.... but I feel like it's the thing I do the least of. It tooks months for King's English School to actually open the branch I was assigned to, and now that it's open, it's slow to get kids enrolled.
I actually have only 2 real classes of kids, who I see 1-2 times a week. I "teach" a lot of promotioal demo classes where I am meant to woo the parents into signing up for our very expensive private language school.
I have been really surprised at Chinese kids... they are really not what I expected. And while I have to choose the words I publish carefully... let's just say they're less disciplined than I expected.

It's a trend in China that most children have no brothers or sisters... so they regularly get showered with attention from 2 parents and 4 grandparents. The Chinese have a saying that "6 people have one eye" meaning all of those adults are focused on one child in the family.

Because these kids are so young, many of them have not been to kindergarten yet. This could be the very first time they're playing with other children, so team work and sharing can be a challenge.
I have to say, it's not every kid. I have a handful who are really sweet, and others who really try in class. Those are my favorites, but of course I'm not allowed to tell them that.
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